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Scientific Python (ESP/CMP-SP)
CMP/ESP Joint Course
Online Course
2020-2021, II Term
- D. Grellscheid , ICTP old SISSA bldg. Rm. 226
From 02/02/2021 To 02/03/2021
Full list of lectures for the course:
- 02/02/2021, ESP/CMP-SP (1) , D, Grellscheid
- 09/02/2021, ESP/CMP-SP (2) , D, Grellscheid
- 16/02/2021, ESP/CMP-SP (3) , D, Grellscheid
- 23/02/2021, ESP/CMP-SP (4) , D, Grellscheid
- 23/02/2021, ESP/CMP-SP Q&A (4) , D. Grellscheid
- 02/03/2021, ESP/CMP-SP Q&A (5) , D. Grellscheid
- 02/03/2021, ESP/CMP-SP (5) , D. Grellscheid