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Since its inception in 1991 and up to 2018, the Postgraduate Diploma Programme has “graduated” some 862 students, roughly 26% of whom are female. About 43% have returned home and begun teaching in colleges and schools, and joined other avenues of workforce; about 43% have earned their Ph.D. degrees (15% from the US, 16% from Western Europe, and 10% from elsewhere); some 83% of the students have retained contact with us.

The geographic distribution of students admitted is:

Africa, 41%

Asia, 38%

Latin America 15%

Eastern Europe 4%

Oceania 2%


Some students have earned their Ph.D. degrees at prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Princeton and Oxford; most others in various respectable research universities. We at ICTP are uniformly proud of their success and the students are proud of their association with ICTP.


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